The Inception Defense System for Selecting the Best Candidates


The desire to reproduce drives humans.So much so that everything goes out the window when we find a partner who is a good candidate for having children.

You must have friends who, prior to falling in love, were normal guys.They were prohibited from even playing video games, drinking even one beer, or hanging out.

Although many men attribute this to the women, in Reviews reality, the man would not be able to participate in his newfound "slavery" without their consent.

Women behave similarly.

Why?Because nothing else matters when we believe we have a "live one."Maintaining sex flow takes precedence over everything we once considered important.

This might be a problem.We are no longer cavemen.We are not required to accept anything at all.We do not live in a time when there are only a few girls from which to choose.When we say "no" to any stream of pussy, it doesn't mean we have to stay single forever.

Nevertheless, this is not natural.We need to keep reminding ourselves that millions of people exist in our society.

Having criteria is necessary for this reason.

You ought to have three categories of girls in mind at the very least.

Relationship types, including friends and lovers.

Additionally, you ought to be as picky as you possibly can regarding the types of relationships.

You can bang any girl you want, of course.So that you Dating don't feel so bad when she leaves because you won't "commit," just know that she doesn't meet your "relationship criteria."

Your caveman brain is pretty good at convincing you that any girl who even touches your willy is suitable for a relationship if you don't have any criteria at all.

Avoid falling prey to that trap.A strong offense is the best defense.Girl, know what you want out of a relationship.Understand what characteristics she has.Know which warning signs should make you leave.

You'll be less likely to fall into a terrible trap the more clear you are with these.And when I say "horrible," I don't hold back.

You can lose your vitality, money, and energy by dating the wrong woman.Girl, if you don't specify what you want in a relationship, you open yourself up to the evil genius of nature.

When you're being led down the rabbit hole of easy sex, you need to have some criteria to prevent you from making a commitment to the wrong woman, just as Leo had that spinning top in Inception that reminded him he was really in a dream.

Before it's too late, start planning now.

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